Team Newsletter 4.12.2024
Table of Contents
MHM - Oregon Business Top 100 Green Workplaces
We are proud to announce great news!
Mt. Hood Meadows has once again been recognized as one of the “100 Best Green Workplaces in Oregon”, by Oregon Business magazine. This ranking, as voted by our team, demonstrates our commitment to sustainability. We eagerly await the official ranking within the top 100, set to be unveiled this spring. Until then, we will take pride in the knowledge that our sustainable business practices are being recognized within our state. With your support, we have managed to leave a green imprint over the course of the last two decades, making it to the Top 100 Best Green Businesses in Oregon 11 times in the last 12 years.
Our sustainability efforts are championed by our Meadows Sustainability Action Team (MSAT), with support from our management team. We are grateful for their commitment and proactive participation, allowing us to constantly elevate our efforts as a green organization. We actively participate in local sustainability initiatives and support environmentally friendly projects in the area. We extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone for upholding our company’s Core Values, particularly our focus on Respect and Sustainability. It is through our collective efforts; we can protect our resources for future generations.
Our love for Mt. Hood drives our motivation towards resource conservation spanning from natural to financial. All our team members are immersed in sustainability practices from the moment of their orientation. This includes correct recycling practices, litter collection and responsible waste disposal. We encourage all team members to collaborate with our MSAT, bring innovative ideas, and contribute towards improving our sustainability efforts.
We know we are not perfect and value your suggestions and ideas,
please share them at
We thank you for your continued dedication and we look forward to making greater strides in our sustainable journey together.
Greg Pack (he/him)

New Job Opportunities At MHM & CSMR

Restaurant and Hotel Manager
The Restaurant and Hotel Manager works closely with CS General Manager and CS Ski Area Team to create an enriching experience on the mountain.
Click the link below for more information!
Sales Manager
The Sales Manager takes a hands-on approach in leading our sales team. They are actively involved in all aspects of the sales process, including dynamic client prospecting, maintaining existing relationships, and ensuring memorable guest experiences through collaboration with internal event teams and external vendors.
Click the link below for more information!
Vehicle Shop Supervisor
The Vehicle Shop Supervisor has a primary focus on Snow Removal operations and provides assistance /support to the Vehicle Shop Manager with personnel, shop, and snow removal functions.
Click the link below for more information!
Communications Supervisor
The Communications Supervisor oversees guest communications and access teams, supporting the department and ensuring guests receive prompt assistance internally and externally.
Follow the directions below for more information!
If you’re interested in learning more about current job openings, log into your Dayforce (web version). Then, simply head over to the super cute “pancake” menu at the top left corner. Click on “careers” and then hit “job search”. From there, you’ll find all the current job listings – Happy exploring!
¡La encuesta del equipo ya está disponible en español!

¡Meadows está solicitando comentarios de los miembros del equipo!
A medida que nuestra empresa y departamentos comienzan a trabajar en la planificación estratégica y mejoras para la temporada 2024-25, queremos recopilar comentarios de los miembros del equipo para ayudarnos en ese proceso. Por favor, tómese unos minutos para completar la encuesta del equipo en el enlace a continuación. Los comentarios y sugerencias de los miembros del equipo se utilizarán para ayudarnos a realizar mejoras en nuestro maravilloso hogar de montaña.
Esta temporada, damos la opción de agregar su nombre, pero puede completar la encuesta de forma anónima si se siente más cómodo/a con eso.
La encuesta estará abierta hasta el 22/04/2024.
Gracias por su participación en la encuesta y por ayudarnos a aprender de sus comentarios.
Shout Out To Our Amazing Janitorial Team Members!

Thank You, Janitorial Team
Snag the Lysol and grab the broom
So much to do in the Teams Lounge room
Tidy Sahale then button up the hall
Alert facilities about the bathroom stall
Check the days box, go home to unwind
The next day you are here and back on the grind
Your hard work is above and beyond
It is like you waived a magic wand
Shiney and glistening, a mountain home to be proud of
A long days hard work, yet you done it with love
We sure are lucky that you are so great
We appreciate you and the beauty you facilitate!
Nos gustaría expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a nuestro equipo de limpieza por sus esfuerzos dedicados en mantener un ambiente limpio y organizado en nuestra casa en la montaña. Por favor, tómese un momento para revisar la siguiente sección y apreciar los resultados positivos de su trabajo diligente.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our janitorial team for their dedicated efforts in maintaining a clean and organized environment at our mountain home. Please take a moment to review the following section and appreciate the positive results of their diligent work.
ALL SEASONS Housing Opportunity in Parkdale Through MHM

Questions about this opportunity can be directed to
Click on the application link below to apply today!
Meadows is excited to offer team members the opportunity to live in Teams Housing this summer and remain in teams housing for the 24/25 winter season! Interested Team Members are encouraged to apply.
Parkdale, OR | 20 mins from MHM
- Front Yard: Mt. Hood views
- Back Yard: Mt. Adams/Rainier views, covered patio, fire pit
- Attached garage, 2 levels
- Top Level: Kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laundry, living room
- Basement Level: Kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, game room, storage area
- Monthly costs range from $675 – $775 (includes wifi and utilities)

Optional: Return All/Some of Your Uniform Before End Of Season

Team members can turn in uniform items they are not using in the black bin (pictured above) that is labeled
“Final Return and Day Use Drop Off”
outside the laundry doors, located next door to HR
Are you unsure if the uniform you have been using is barcoded to you or if you snagged another team members’ item(s) by mistake?
Swing by laundry and have the barcode scanned to check!